Notes Index
Find the lecture you seek from this page, it also acts as a mild calendar.
- The pedagogical plan for this course
- Project 1 Specifications due Monday January 11th
- January 4th Class 1: Intro to HTML (overview, basic serving of static files, intro to
tools for this course, HTML tags, attributes, CSS selectors )
- January 5th Class 2: Intro to CSS (the basic rules, selectors, reading CSS specs, colors,
text, fonts)
- January 6th Class 3: CSS Basic 2 (shadows/borders/outlines/backgrounds, CSS from scratch,
the BOX MODEL!, display: block vs inline vs inline-block, a sample user agent stylesheet)
- January 7th Class 4: Inheritance/Cascade/Specificity, Debugging/inspecting, Position:
static/relative/absolute/fixed, float: left
- January 8th Class 5: All you can learn CSS buffet: Units, Media Queries, Pseudo-selectors,
Transforms, Transitions/animations, Gradients, Filter-effects, Light-box, Flexbox, border-radius X-treme, corner
tricks, box-sizing, css resets, float clearing
- January 12th Class 6: Hello JavaScript (loops, if, DOM manipulation, string manipulation,
variables, arrays, objects)
- January 13th Class 7: Javascript functions, events, inputs, hangman.
- January 14th Class 8: Objects vs Functions: this, apply/call, bind, prototypes,
new/create, constructors
- January 15th Class 9: Javascript Structure, mix-ins, inheritance, MVC, timers, modules,
- January 20th Class 10: PRINCIPLES OF GREAT CODE and intro to CSS
- January 21st Class 11: Workflows for designers and practice with an abstract visual
- January 22nd Class 12: incomplete sample project started from scratch
- January 26th Class 13: Dealing with data (HTTP, basic APIs, AJAX/XHR, Firebase, CRUd)
- January 28th Class 14: Sample sprint project to preface design patterns (Build-a-bear and
worked checkboxes and select/options)
- January 29th Class 15: Single Page Apps, pushState, hashChange
- February 1st Class 16: Observer, Vanilla Pub/Sub, inter-window communication, custom DOM
- February 2nd Class 17: Templating Engines and Data-Binding
- February 3rd Class 18: Web Components (custom tags, shadow DOM, templates, html imports)
- February 4th Class 19: Side-by-side Framework Comparisons (vanilla, jQuery, Backbone,
Angular versions of dog punching)